Investigative Analysis on When an Undocumented Immigrant Should Disclose Their Status in a Relationship

Investigative Analysis on When an Undocumented Immigrant Should Disclose Their Status in a Relationship

By Esther Claudette Gittens Relationships can be complex and challenging, especially when one partner is undocumented. Disclosing undocumented status to a U.S. citizen partner is a significant decision that can impact the relationship’s trust, dynamics, and future. This analysis explores the considerations and timing for when an undocumented immigrant in the United States should inform […]

The Issue of Derivative Beneficiaries Aging Out at 21: Challenges, Impacts, and Solutions

The Issue of Derivative Beneficiaries Aging Out at 21: Challenges, Impacts, and Solutions

Editorial credit: Massimo Todaro / By Ashley Dawkins The United States immigration system is known for its complexity and the significant challenges it poses to individuals and families seeking lawful permanent residency. Among these challenges is the issue faced by derivative beneficiaries who “age out” upon turning 21, rendering them ineligible for green cards […]

State Department Streamlines Temporary Visas for College-Educated Noncitizen Workers—But Questions Remain About Its Impact

State Department Streamlines Temporary Visas for College-Educated Noncitizen Workers—But Questions Remain About Its Impact

Editorial credit: Salty View / By Adriel Orozco | Immigration Impact Some immigrants who have graduated from college in the United States and have a pending job offer will have an easier time receiving a temporary employment-based visa, thanks to recent changes from the Biden administration. This will include Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals […]

Trump Speech Culminates Week of Mass Deportation Messages and Radical Anti-Immigrant Ugliness at RNC

Trump Speech Culminates Week of Mass Deportation Messages and Radical Anti-Immigrant Ugliness at RNC

Donald Trump. Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / By America’s Voice Washington, DC —The final night of the RNC, and Donald Trump’s 90-minute speech should be a reminder why he’s unsuitable for office. The speech culminated a week of disinformation and incitement to violence – based on white nationalist conspiracy theories about an immigrant “invasion” and a […]

Federal Civil Rights Complaint Demands Investigation into Abuse Against Hunger Strikers at New York ICE Jail

Federal Civil Rights Complaint Demands Investigation into Abuse Against Hunger Strikers at New York ICE Jail

Editorial credit: Rebekah Zemansky / By Fisayo Okare | Documented Around 40 individuals detained at the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility — New York state’s largest immigrant detention center — went on a hunger strike to protest the facility’s policy and practice of locking people in their cells for approximately 18 hours per day, and […]

Florida Should Brace for Trump, Rubio, and GOP Plans to Devastate Economy Through Mass Deportations

Florida Should Brace for Trump, Rubio, and GOP Plans to Devastate Economy Through Mass Deportations

Marco Rubio. Editorial credit: Joseph Sohm / Washington, DC — Yesterday, at a Miami rally, Donald Trump continued his relentless and lurid focus on immigration lies while reiterating his plans for mass roundups and deportations. The remarks follow the release of the Republican Party’s official 2024 platform, which reflects Trump’s full takeover of the […]

Marriage Fraud for Green Card Purposes and Federal Immigration Law Protections – When There Are Children In the Marriage

Marriage Fraud for Green Card Purposes and Federal Immigration Law Protections – When There Are Children In the Marriage

Marriage fraud for Green Card purposes is a significant issue that challenges the integrity of the U.S. immigration system and can profoundly affect U.S. citizen spouses. This issue becomes even more complex when children are involved, as the presence of children can obscure the fraudulent nature of the marriage. This analysis explores how federal immigration […]

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