Supreme Court Declines to Impose New Hurdle on Immigrants Appealing their Cases

Supreme Court Declines to Impose New Hurdle on Immigrants Appealing their Cases

Posted by Gianna Borroto // Immigration Impact In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled last week that a transgender woman from Guatemala did not need to jump through an additional hoop—filing a new motion with the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)—before she could take her case to federal court to challenge her deportation order. The Court ruled […]

Supreme Court Declines to Impose New Hurdle on Immigrants Appealing their Cases

Supreme Court Declines to Impose New Hurdle on Immigrants Appealing their Cases

Posted by Gianna Borroto// Editorial credit: Erik Cox Photography / In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled last week that a transgender woman from Guatemala did not need to jump through an additional hoop—filing a new motion with the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)—before she could take her case to federal court to challenge her […]

What Is the Law? Under New Immigration Decision, the Answer Isn’t Always Clear

What Is the Law? Under New Immigration Decision, the Answer Isn’t Always Clear

The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) published a decision last week seeking to address a seemingly basic question: what law should an immigration judge apply when deciding the case of a noncitizen facing removal? In a time of remote hearings, when the immigration judge, the government attorney, and the noncitizen may all be in different places, figuring […]