Climate Change is the Greatest Public Health Challenge of Our Time

Climate Change is the Greatest Public Health Challenge of Our Time

By Sunita Sohrabi | Ethnic Media Services NEW YORK — Climate change is a key social determinant of health, disproportionately impacting low-income communities and people of color. The numbers of heat-related deaths has been steadily rising, according to data from Health and Human Services. There were an estimated 1,602 heat-related deaths in 2021, 1,722 in 2022, […]

Extreme Heat: How Major Cities, Including NYC, Are Responding in the Era of Climate Change

Extreme Heat: How Major Cities, Including NYC, Are Responding in the Era of Climate Change

By JR Holguin BROOKLYN, NY: As extreme heat incidents surge across the country, officials from three major U.S. cities – Phoenix, Miami, and Los Angeles – convened in a recent virtual news conference by the Ethnic Media Services (EMS) to spotlight their individual strategies to tackle the heat menace. A Startling Surge in Heat-Related Deaths […]

How Climate Change Changes Us

How Climate Change Changes Us

By Selen Ozturk | Sep 19, 2023 As climate change alters temperatures and weather patterns worldwide, it also alters our lives socially, politically and spiritually, climate experts shared at an EMS briefing. The social cost of climate change Hannah Hess, Associate Director of the Denver, Colorado-based Climate Impact Lab, noted that the financial cost of […]

‘We Are Not Drowning, We Are Fighting’: Countries Vulnerable to Climate Disaster Issue Rallying Cry

‘We Are Not Drowning, We Are Fighting’: Countries Vulnerable to Climate Disaster Issue Rallying Cry

Thousands of people takes part in a demonstration against climate change in Brussels, Belgium on October 10, 2021, ahead of the COP26 climate summit. (Shutterstock) By Sam Meredith, CNBC GLASGOW, Scotland — World leaders, campaigners and environmental activists representing people most threatened by climate change issued a defiant “warrior cry” at the COP26 summit on […]