Do 287(g) Agreements with ICE Make Communities Safer?

Do 287(g) Agreements with ICE Make Communities Safer?

By Juan Avilez, Policy Associate for State and Local Initiatives and Raul Pinto, Deputy Legal Director | Immigration Impact Texas’ SB4 set the tone for the national discourse around immigration enforcement. Since then, certain states have felt emboldened to create their own immigration enforcement regimes, like Iowa and Oklahoma, which enacted equally strict copycat bills. Other […]

Federal Civil Rights Complaint Demands Investigation into Abuse Against Hunger Strikers at New York ICE Jail

Federal Civil Rights Complaint Demands Investigation into Abuse Against Hunger Strikers at New York ICE Jail

Editorial credit: Rebekah Zemansky / By Fisayo Okare | Documented Around 40 individuals detained at the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility — New York state’s largest immigrant detention center — went on a hunger strike to protest the facility’s policy and practice of locking people in their cells for approximately 18 hours per day, and […]

CeBONDS One Year After its Implementation

CeBONDS One Year After its Implementation

By Raul Pinto & Laila Khan | Immigration Impact Approximately one year ago, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) launched Cash Electronic Bonds (CeBONDS), a web portal with the stated intent improving how people pay bonds to ICE to secure the release of a loved one from detention. One year in, it’s clear that while […]

Ice Detainees Suffer Preventable Deaths − Q&A With A Medical Researcher About Systemic Failures

Ice Detainees Suffer Preventable Deaths − Q&A With A Medical Researcher About Systemic Failures

By Cara R. Muñoz Buchanan | The Conversation The 2024 Homeland Security appropriations bill increased funding for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement operations to handle an anticipated daily detainee population of 41,500, up from an average of 34,000 in recent years. Yet recent studies have exposed cracks that call into question the agency’s ability to medically […]

Commentary: New York for All Act Would Bar Local Police from Cooperating with ICE

Commentary: New York for All Act Would Bar Local Police from Cooperating with ICE

Editorial credit: Matt Gush / By Andrew Gounardes and Karines Reyes | Times Union New Yorkers across the political spectrum agree that our nation’s immigration system is broken. The current path to citizenship can take decades to navigate, leaving many families in a state of constant fear of detention and deportation, even when they’ve done […]

Trinidad and Tobago Migrant Found Dead After 4 Years in ICE Detention

Trinidad and Tobago Migrant Found Dead After 4 Years in ICE Detention

Editorial credit: Grossinger / By Sunita Sohrabji | Ethnic Media Services More than 160 detained migrants have embarked on a hunger strike at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington, following the death of a migrant who had been held there for more than four years. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed that Charles Leo […]

CASA Hails Historic Passage of Trust Act as Role Model for Pennsylvania

CASA Hails Historic Passage of Trust Act as Role Model for Pennsylvania

Editorial credit: Sundry Photography / Passage of Bill Codifying End of Collaboration with ICE Aimed at Building Trust with Immigrant Lancaster Residents LANCASTER, PA – Advocacy organization CASA celebrates the Lancaster City Council’s unanimous passage of the Trust Act, a historic legislative initiative crucial for boosting the sense of belonging and enhancing the safety […]

What Exactly Is a Sanctuary City and What Does That Mean for NYC?

What Exactly Is a Sanctuary City and What Does That Mean for NYC?

By Gwynne Hogan Rachel Holliday Smith | February 13, 2024 The January brawl between NYPD officers and migrants in Times Square that went viral has sparked a national firestorm over long-standing sanctuary city policies that restrict cooperation between federal authorities and local law enforcement. Republicans seized on the attack to argue that sanctuary laws should be changed. […]

ICE Subjected Immigrants in Detention to Unnecessary Surgeries, Report Finds

ICE Subjected Immigrants in Detention to Unnecessary Surgeries, Report Finds

By Raul Pinto | February 2, 2024 | Immigration Impact The Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (OIG) published a report last month finding that nearly one-third of medical procedures performed on immigrants in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody were not properly authorized. The report found that ICE improperly authorized […]

ICE Will Be Required to Wear Body Cameras in a Win for Transparency—But the Implementation Will Be Key

ICE Will Be Required to Wear Body Cameras in a Win for Transparency—But the Implementation Will Be Key

By Kel Smith-Holbourn | January 19, 2024 | Immigration Impact U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced a policy on January 12 calling for ICE personnel to wear body cameras in most situations when carrying out enforcement duties. According to ICE Deputy Director Patrick J. Lechleitner, the move is designed to build public trust by enhancing “accountability, […]

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