Each July, We Honor the Legacy of Bebe Moore Campbell

Each July, We Honor the Legacy of Bebe Moore Campbell

By Mental Health America Each July, we honor the legacy of author, advocate, and trailblazer Bebe Moore Campbell by recognizing Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (also known as BIPOC Mental Health Month).  Moore Campbell’s ability to tell impactful stories highlighting themes of racism, mental health, and family left a lasting mark […]

Mental Health of Immigrants

Mental Health of Immigrants

Mental health among immigrants is a multifaceted and pressing issue that warrants attention and understanding. As individuals relocate to new countries, they often encounter a myriad of challenges ranging from cultural adjustments and language barriers to socioeconomic stressors and discrimination. These unique stressors can significantly impact their mental well-being, potentially leading to various mental health […]

Long-Term Solutions to the Overincarceration of People With Mental Health Disabilities

Long-Term Solutions to the Overincarceration of People With Mental Health Disabilities

By Christina Stafford and Mia Ives-Rublee | American Progress Prisons and jails are some of the United States’ largest providers of mental health services.1 Every year, more than 2 million people with serious mental illnesses are booked into jail.2 The U.S. Department of Justice’s 2011–2012 national inmate survey reported that 1 in 7 people in state and […]

Holiday Health: Tips for a Merry and Healthy December

Holiday Health: Tips for a Merry and Healthy December

By Pearl Phillip Holiday season galore! December is filled with diverse cultural and religious celebrations that bring people together in a spirit of joy, reflection, and gratitude. From Christmas and Hanukkah to Kwanzaa and the winter solstice, each holiday carries its traditions, customs, and significance, enriching the tapestry of human experience. As the year draws […]

Keeping your cool in a warming world: 8 steps to help manage eco-anxiety

Keeping your cool in a warming world: 8 steps to help manage eco-anxiety

By Karen Magruder | September 18, 2023 | The Conversation In a world facing environmental challenges unprecedented in human history, it’s no surprise that eco-anxiety – a pervasive worry about the current and future state of our planet – has become an increasingly prevalent mental health issue. As people witness the devastating impacts of climate change, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, it’s only natural […]

Black mothers trapped in unsafe neighborhoods signal the stressful health toll of gun violence in the U.S.

Black mothers trapped in unsafe neighborhoods signal the stressful health toll of gun violence in the U.S.

Photo Editorial credit: Whitney Welshimer BY Ruby Mendenhall and Loren Henderson Black mothers are the canaries in the coal mine when it comes to the mental and physical harms of stress from living with gun violence in America. In the U.S., Black people are likelier than white people to reside in impoverished, racially segregated communities with high […]

Undocumented Immigrants and Mental Health

Undocumented Immigrants and Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In this article, we highlight aspects of the mental health of immigrants based on a Stress & Trauma Toolkit for Treating Undocumented Immigrants in a Changing Political and Social Environment from the American Psychiatric Association. Mental health risk factors Immigrants experience trauma and stressors before, during, and after immigration. […]

Warning Signs for Young Children

Warning Signs for Young Children

By Rainn Every 9 minutes, government authorities respond to another report of child sexual abuse.1 Child sexual abuse can include sexual contact with a child, but it may also include other actions, like exposing oneself, sharing obscene images, or taking inappropriate photos or videos of a child. These crimes can have a serious impact on the life […]