While thousands of tenants have filed cases claiming their landlords locked them out to defy the eviction moratorium, just a handful have been charged for the crime.
By Josefa Velasquez and Rachel Holliday Smith, THE CITY In Far Rockaway, Carol Holness called the police dozens of times last year as her home lost its heat and power. Eventually, her landlord changed the locks on her door. In Corona, Norma and Luis fled flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Ida that poured water […]
By Clifford Michel, THE CITY The real estate industry is pushing back on a state bill that would limit rent hikes and ensure lease renewals for over a million tenants — launching a house-to-house phone campaign to rally the public against the protections. A new group called Homeowners for an Affordable New York is calling […]
Protesters created Abolition Living Room demanding cancel rent in front of 633 3rd Avenue where NYC office of Governor is located. – New York, NY – September 29, 2020 (Shutterstock) By Will Parker, Wall Street Journal Apartment tenants are forming unions in an effort to gain leverage in landlord negotiations, a response to record-high rents […]
Last Stand March for Relief protest at Foley Square. – New York, NY – USA – March 31st 2021. (Shutterstock) By Johan Sheridan, News10 Gov. Kathy Hochul announced that a $100 million fund is available for New Yorkers struggling to make rent. The supplemental funding is aimed at low-income tenants facing homelessness or eviction. “Everyone […]