City Hall Aide Turns Witness in Corruption Probe Involving Adams

City Hall Aide Turns Witness in Corruption Probe Involving Adams

Editorial credit: lev radin /

A significant turn has occurred in the corruption investigation surrounding Mayor Eric Adams, as his former aide, Rana Abbasova, has reportedly begun cooperating with federal authorities. Abbasova, who previously served as Adams’s liaison to the Turkish community, is now providing valuable information to investigators probing into alleged misconduct during Adams’s 2021 campaign.

This development sheds new light on the inquiry, which includes suspicions of potential collusion between Adams’s campaign and the Turkish government to funnel illegal foreign contributions. Additionally, authorities are scrutinizing whether Adams exerted undue influence on Fire Department officials to approve a controversial high-rise Turkish consulate despite safety apprehensions.

Abbasova’s cooperation represents a significant breakthrough in unraveling the complexities of the investigation. Her role within Adams’s administration as the Director of Protocol for the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs affords her insight into various interactions between Adams and Turkish officials and business people. Emails suggest her involvement in coordinating events and meetings within the Turkish community and arranging the mayor’s travel, including accompanying him on official trips to Turkey.

While the specifics of Abbasova’s cooperation remain undisclosed, her firsthand knowledge of Adams’s engagements with Turkish entities could prove pivotal in unraveling the intricacies of the investigation. 

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